Pipefy: company tripled in size in 2019 by organizing its budget planning

Pipefy, a process management platform, is present in more than 150 countries. The startup from Curitiba received contributions from North American funds and competes vertically with several market players, offering solutions for the financial, marketing, and other areas. In 2019, the company achieved 300% growth and, in view of this, the need arose to improve internal processes and structure financial planning. Today, AllStrategy Plano has made the company’s budgeting process more transparent and collaborative, assisting managers in decision making.According to Rafael Melo, Pipefy’s Financial Planning Manager, “AllStrategy Plano budget management software has brought a lot of consistency in information, making processes extremely fast.”

The search for the ideal tool

Before implementing Plano software, Pipefy’s budget was done with shared spreadsheets and, each time one of them was updated, consolidation was manual and time-consuming. It was from this unsustainable scenario, of having to manage approximately 50 spreadsheets, that Rafael decided to look at the players in the market.
“As I already knew the pains of the financial areas of other companies with processes that were not intuitive for the user, we made the decision to hire a platform to be able to scale the business in a sustainable way.”

Need for a flexible tool

With part of the team in the offices of Curitiba, São Paulo and San Francisco (USA), as well as remote collaborators around the world, the need for global management demanded a flexible tool that would meet all Pipefy’s needs. “We consolidate the information in the controller’s office, but there are many people involved in the budget and everyone participates in the process. We plan the budget on two bases, one for Pipefy Ltda, in Brazil and another for Pipefy Inc, in the USA”, explains Rafael. Now, with Plano, the same manager operates for both bases, but in different currencies and, in the end, everything is consolidated into a single result.
“The closing process that used to take 4 days now takes 1 day or less. Everything has become extremely fast.”

Beginning the journey with AllStrategy

Pipefy’s main source of expenses comes from personnel costs and, as an international company, there was a need for a tool that was not only flexible and adaptable to existing processes, but also secure, for reliability when presenting data to the company’s global investors. “Initially we wanted to go with an American company, even for the relationship with investors, but we would not have the speed and transparency that we had with AllStrategy. These were characteristics that we realized from the purchase process to the end of the implementation process, both fundamental to choosing AllStrategy Plano.”

Why AllStrategy Plano?

According to Rafael, Pipefy took into account the ability to solve everything the company needed. In addition to solving all the most critical points of the budget, such as personnel planning, decentralizing the process with security and transparency, and eliminating spreadsheets, AllStrategy also presented solutions that were not even listed as immediate needs within the company.

Implementation experience

With speed in implementation, understanding of the client’s objectives by the consultants and agility in support service, Pipefy was able to have its 2020 planning structured quickly on a single platform, free of spreadsheets and without losing collaboration on the budget, a strong characteristic in the company’s culture.
“The implementation model and project management were very good and today we have full autonomy to do the planning process by ourselves. This is also a differential, as we needed a tool in which we were not hostage to any type of consultancy.”
Also, according to Rafael, the company has reaped fruits since the implementation of the Plano software, as it started to centralize strategic planning in a single tool and did away with all spreadsheets, including auxiliary documents.
“The level of detail is fantastic! We don’t have any closed figures, everything is very detailed.”

Impact after automation

Due to the speed of its business, Pipefy chose to approve a budget for the first half of 2020 and run a forecast in the first quarter. This flexibility makes AllStrategy Plano adaptable to the most diverse business models and in any market segment. Rafael recalls that it took days to handle dozens of spreadsheets and constantly needed to give access permissions and correct consolidation errors.
“Now, all it takes is one click to create a scenario and it’s over. This convenience is making a big difference in our daily lives.”

Real benefits

In addition to structuring and organizing all budget planning, AllStrategy Plano has brought several management benefits to Pipefy. The analysis and justifications available in the software help users to point out the reasons for each deviation within the solution, making the process more transparent and collaborative, and assisting managers in decision making.
“On the financial side, Plano brings consistency from the vision of what is realized, where to audit and see documents that make up each value, to the audit trails in planning, which points me to what is connected with what.”
The benefits of AllStrategy Plano were also noticed by the startup’s investors who, according to Rafael, are surprised by the high level of quality that the year’s budget presented.
“We needed a modern and SAAS platform that would enable fluid and agile planning. The goal of finding one was achieved for sure!”
Want to change and automate your business budget management like Pipefy? Then get in touch with us!

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